Advocating for Drone Pilots: The ANPD


The ANPD (Associacion of National  Drone Pilots) aims to represent all drone pilots, whether they are industry professional or recreational enthusiasts.

As an association, we advoncate for the entire drone pilot community, working to promote safe UAS (unmanned Aircraft Systems) flightand regulations that align with the risk level of each operation. Drone pilots form a dicerse and tightly-knit community, united by their shared enthusiasm for this innovative technology. Our goal is to advance the sector while ensuring sensible regulation.

Within our association, there is room rom everyone, regardless of whether they fly drones professionaly or recreationlly. Professional pilots may have started their journay recreationally, and recreational pilots always have an open door to an emerging market that is transforming the industrial landscape.

The ANPD is not composed of executives in suits who occupy prominent seats at regulatory  conferences or influential lobbies. Instead, we are everyday people-drone pilots with the necessary experience, knowledge, passion, and determination to drive and defend the drone sector in Spain and around the world-a united community that embraces innovation and seeks to make a positive impact on our society though this technology.

If you share our passion and align whith our objectives, we invite you to join us. together, this industry and create sensible regularion that facilitate drone flight.



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